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所有夏令營均為寄宿體驗,以確保學生能夠沉浸在向老師和同儕學習的過程中。我們的Portal Guardian和駐營導師密切督導並帶領學生進行各項社交活動。



我們約有 40% 的學生來自聖保羅男女中學及附屬小學以外的學校,過往包括來自 29 所不同學校的學生。


價值教育 - 2R

「Be Respectful」和「Be Ready to Learn」是我們價值觀教育的重點。無論是毅力、創造力、毅力還是追求卓越的主題,學生不僅學習和反思這些價值觀,而且必須身體力行。  



邀請家長參加營前簡介會、成果展示以及由我們的總監和Portal Guardian主持的家長分享會。



What's More?


Flow of Inspiration

Young minds at this age are impressionable, and their characters are formed not only by studying, but also by role modelling. Students interact not only with our world-class faculty but are enlightened also by our College alumni, student helpers and other esteemed guests through activities such as Masterclasses and Portal Chats throughout the camp.


Sense of Community

It has also been our cherished tradition that the Portal Choir sings in worship in the Sunday service at St. Paul's Church. At nights and on the weekend, students have ample opportunities to foster friendships through social and entertainment activities such as concerts, movie and board games nights, the much anticipated Talent Show and many more. 

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Parental Involvement

Last but not least, parents play a most vital part in the Portal experience and as such, they are invited to attend and be a part of a number of the activities throughout the camp. Most importantly, our Parents’ Sharing at the end of the camp is where the real magic occurs, allowing them a rare opportunity to uncover and appreciate new aspects of their child, post Portal. Our Portal Director and Guardian will share with parents highlights of the camp as well as key learning points, so that the meaningful seeds sown in them at the Portal shall continue to grow and prosper.


Checking Out

Upon checkout, students will not only be richer in knowledge and skills, but also have with them confidence and gratitude in abundance. Grateful for the memories, grateful for friendships new and old, and grateful for a much-expanded horizon.

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